Monday, December 14, 2009

Chore - Wood Miser

During your childhood I am sure your parents burdened you with some medial task that was designed to make life easier on them, while teaching you a valuable lesson. Mine was the trash, once a day, and scrubbing the trash can out once a week with Comet, or Ajax.

My son's job is making firewood in the Summer, and fetching it in the Winter. Hey the woods gotta come from somewhere. Additionally he has trash detail, and yes and the Comet, or Ajax are part of his repertoire'.

I cut, or purchase wood in 8' lengths (here we are cutting peeler-cores from doug-fir trees, (a by-product of making ply-wood in this area of the world) and it makes for the best firewood in he world. Well next to split and dried oak, which I concider to be a resource much like depleated uranium.
Anyway back on task. Keeping you children busy with a task about the home doesn't only free up more time for you, it teaches them the value of completing a meaninful task that is important to sustaining a civilized existance.

Without a wood miser in the group many of us would freeze in the winter, or it might lead you much worse things, like turning on the electric heat, costing the family hundreds of dollars each month. So you can see the added value of having a wood miser in you household. This person can save you money, and add value by keeping you warm. (I love being warm)

Additionally this task keeps them busy. I never realized the amount of spare time I had when I was a young man until I had a son of my own. The things I could have accomplished only if I had realized it sooner. At almost every turn while I am doing something for my family I find that my son is idelly sitting on his ass with nothing to do. It is truely appalling.

I could have easily turned my spare time into a full time job making thousands of dollars to pay for a good university education in the future when I was young, only if I would have used my spare time wisely. I bet you I could have even earned more if the internet was invented before then.

Friday, October 16, 2009



Now I am not one for zombie movies, the undead, vampires, or horror flick in general, but when I seen the previews for Zombieland in the theater I turned to my son and said, "We gotta see that!"

Woody Harrelson (Cheer's, Natural Born Killers, Indecent proposal, Whaite men can't jump . . . ) Jesse Eisenberg (The Education of Charly Banks, The Village, Cursed)
Emma Stone (Super Bad, House Bunnies) all around hottie, and Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine, My Sisters Keeper, No Reservations, The Ghost Whisperer, The Santa Clause )

Excellent cast as you can tell, all have been acting for some time, and Abigail Breslin has as an impressive list of movies she has been in as Woody Harrelson. I loved Little Miss Sunshine. So the acting in the movie is excellent, and the writing was done just as well. There is no part in the movie that slows down enough that you think, I can go to the bathroom now. My Son held 32 oz of soda throught the whole movie because he did not want to miss a second of the action.

People on earth have been infected by a virus that is turning everyone into zombies, and if your not infected be prepared to defend yourself. This quartet of actors are thrust together during the course of the movie and find that since none of them have any family left, their little group is the closest thing they will have since the nation is in ruin. Each character in the movie goes by their hometown instead of their name, Woody (Tallahassee), Jesse (Columbus), Abigail (Little Rock), and Emma (Wichita), which adds a secret club feel to the movie.

There are excellent special effect to make you jump, but everything has a really light hearted feel to it that makes it very funny at times. Every character has a very unique quality to add to the movie that you will connect with at times, but Jesse Eisenburgs character is the one I connected with the most. He is the geek, just trying to make it in this new world of survival, and has made a list of rules to now live by. As the movie progresses the rules pop up on the screen, and 30 minutes into the movie you find yourself mentioning the rule to live by before it domes up on screen.

I highly recommend you go see ZOMBIELAND, it good enough you should see it twice.

~PleasantHillBilly ~

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Follow up on the steak blog below with a video from my favorite Food Network Chef, Alton Brown.
In this video he will explain steak, whats a good cut, and how to cook it. Check it out.

Watch and Learn - Click HERE

Alton is kind of goofy, but understand he wrote and produced commercials before becoming a chef, so each episode is a little artsy but very informative. I love it.

Here is the second half the episode. - Click HERE

~Pleasant Hill-Billy~

Friday, October 2, 2009

Grillin' and Chillin'

(Your guide to grillin' a perfect steak)

Okay listen up bachelors this one is for you.

I know gettin' a good meal cuts into your beer fund, and entertainment unless your dining at Mom and Dad's, but if your going to make it in this big ol' world here are a few thing that you need to know.

1. Good food is obtainable from your local grocer, and at a much cheaper price than at a fast food

2. Your grocer also carries beer, national brands to local favorites that are much cheaper than in
a restaurant.

3. You can do this, and it is well worth the effort and time. (it will also impress you friends)


2 ea. Rib Eye Steaks (one for you, and the other in case you fuck up)

(let me give you some pointers on this because there are Rib-Eye Steaks, and there
are Rib-Eyes that are crap "cut too close to the end")
Note; A good Rib-Eye Steak has a noticeable edge of fat on one side, not to thick about
3/16" of an inch is just right. Then look at the meat itself, you should see fine marbling
inside the structure of the meat. This marbling will add flavor and assist you in creating
great steak by lubricating the muscle tissue while it cooks to keep it moist. (Also fat taste
Rib-Eye is one of the best steaks for beginner cooks because it contains plenty of
intramuscular fat and so feel juicy, in the mouth, even if cooked a little too much.

(nuff said)

Cooking selection: Look not all of you have nice gas or charcoal grill at home, this doesn't mean that you can not cook good tasting steak. To tell you the truth boyz the best method for cooking a Rib-Eye Steak is to pan fry it. (Gospel there, it's even in the red letter text, check it
But what you do need is a skillet that can take the heat, and we are talking about cast iron. Yes, head down to your local department store and pick up a 12" beauty to do you biding. Bring it home and season it in the oven by pouring a table spoon of vegetable oil in it and putting it in a 400 degree F oven for 30 minutes. (turn on the fan you'll need it) what you'll end up with is a pan with a natural like Teflon coating, and mass to volume ration that is perfect for cookin' steak.

Okay your ready to get some groceries down you neck I understand, but you need more than a steak for ingredients . . . . read on.

1 ea. Clove Garlic (minced) I mean fresh garlic and as fresh as you can git it.

1 ea. Teaspoon kosher salt. (iodized salt is good, but get yourself some kosher salt boy, damn)

1 ea. Tablespoon Fresh ground black pepper (if you don't have fresh pepper corns then go git some at the local market, bulk is cheapest) Grind 'em, crush 'em with a hammer in a plastic bag, whatever, but fresh is best.

1 ea. Tablespoon olive oil. (vegetable oil is fine)

Your close don't give up now mister. (Glory awaits)

Place the steak on a plate and let come to room temperature for 1 hour, yes it will be okay. Cover with a paper towel to keep the flies off.

Rub steak with olive, or vegetable oil, season with salt, pepper, and minced garlic.

Remove cast iron skillet from oven (450 degrees F) and place on med. high burner.

Place steak in pan and sear on each side for 1 minute, "Do not move steak while cooking". (time it).

Once complete on each side, place pan and steak in oven for 2 minutes on each side. (Flip with tongs) Remove, steak from oven, interior temperature should be no more than 140 and no less than 130 degrees for medium rare. (That's right scooter you need a meat thermometer)

Serve this bad-boy (10-16 oz) with an ice cold beer, and a baked potato, oh and corn on the cob if you have it.

Now if you need any assistance with this PLEASE contact me, and I will come over and lay claim to that second steak.

Enjoy !

~Pleasant Hill Billy~

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Confessions of a Wood Whore

My training for being a first class Wood Whore started in my prepubescent years when my Father would ask me if I would like to take the guns into the woods for and afternoon of shooting. My eyes would gloss over and I would have envisions myself laying on top of a cache of ammo plinking at distant targets until my trigger finger was sore, and my eyes were tired from looking into the distance through iron sights.

An enthusiastic, "Yes !" was all that ever escaped my lips. What young boy would ever pass up the chance to wield a weapon for sport or pleasure. I was excited to say the least.

The next morning, before dawn, my Father would fix us breakfast while the rest of the family slept. It was ritualistic in a way, then he would pack us a sandwich and an apple each, and pour the rest of the coffee he made for himself into a thermos.

We would drive far into the woods, along roads he had traveled many times before, but they were all a mystery to me. My excitement would grow deeper the farther we traveled into the woods.
"Are we getting close?" I would ask.
"Not much further." Dad would reply.

"Oh boy I can't wait!", I would say in jubilation.

Just before dawn we would reach out final destination. A logging landing that was high above the morning fog that looked like cotton candy filling the valleys below. Dad would pour a cup of coffee and we would listen to the radio until it got light enough to shoot. I was parking in the passenger seat quietly loading each clip with ammo anticipating the damage I was going to inflict on some innocent can, or better yet glass bottle.

Dad would finish up his coffee and say, "Welp, we better get to it before someone else shows up."

I had no idea what he was talking about, unless he was talking about someone else shooting our bottles. That wasn't going to happen I had waited to long for this, so I bail out the passenger door with ammo clips in hand.

I ask, "Do you want me to go out and set up the targets?"

Dad, as he reached into the back of the pick-up bed pulling out a chain-saw said, "Sure as soon as we fill up the truck with wood."

My heart sank. I looked at him in disbelief and said, "But I thought we were going to shoots guns."

Dad would reply, "We are son, as soon as we cut a cord of this fir that is staked here so nicely for us."

Anger welled inside of me, because I knew the time it would take to cut a cord of wood they day would be gone.

I'd show him, I would split and stack that wood so fast into the truck there would be plenty of time to shoot through a brick (500 rounds) of ammo.

Of course there was never enough time to shoot all the ammo, because we had to get home to unload the wood, and So it began.

So, now let me show you the classic signs of your typical Wood Whore so you may avoid getting caught up in the maniacal ways.
1. Note the over abundance of wood. (steer clear of this area it only will lead to work)
2. Trailers are good, if you see more than two you are in Wood Whore territory.
3. Rented equipment. (never a good sign)
4. Slave labor (this was me as a prepubescent teen)

Steer clear of these people as they will devour your weekend.

In the above picture you will see the aforementioned "Dad" and my prepubesent teen that I now use as Slave Labor to do my bidding. The inventory in the back ground is 2 cords of split oak and 11 units of fir peeler cores (the remanat of making plywood in the Northwest) The oak is the equivalent of depleated uranium in the wood burning game, you have to have a hard wood in the mix it burns hot and really slow.

Lastly, look out for the non-human companion. Every Wood Whore has one, and they hold these companions truer to their hearts than they do you. Mine is named "Jim", because Marlin Perkins had a "Jim" and who else better to lead your crew than someone as reliable a Jim T. Kirk.

So I hope you take some valuable tips away from this for making sure your weekend is a relaxing one. Steer clear of Wood Whores, as for your regular steet whores, I think your safe with those for making your weekend enjoyable.

~Pleasant Hill Billy~

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Campin' w/ the Whole Famn-Damily

New Post

I promise to deliver even if it is boring details of my own life.
But when it comes to camping outdoors, (as apposed to campin' at the Hilton) there are a few things that are important to remember.

1. Cleanliness: The ability to appear that you are unsoiled while living in the dirt.

I am a tent camper for the most part, unless going with my Father who drags the whole house along to the camp site. It is Glorious. I like the effort that has to be put into tent camping. I will testify that my Brother-in-law and Sister are masters of the art of camping in the dirt. They have it all and will use it as a fine example of what to do when camping. As for myself, I will serve as what not to do. (any surprise there)

Back to the cleanliness, when it come to camping in a tent you cannot have enough "Wet-Wipes" they are used from cleaning out the coffee pot to cleaning you anus after falling into the fire Saturday night with you family watching in horror. (Lesson learned, a camp-fire needs hand railing around it, I am contacting the USFS about that now.)

2. Air Mattress: n; Bladder filled with air for sleeping on. DO NOT go camping without one of these. Yeah I hear all you hard-core campers that want to be closer to the Earth, "F-off" if a higher deity wanted us to sleep on rocks and twigs why did he create plastic bladders filled with air to sleep on. For $23 bucks you can get the best sleep of your natural born life, ask my wife, I snored so load all night when I woke in the morning there was a extra cord of wood in camp.

3. Family: (essential): Group of immediate relatives, Brothers, Sister, and their significant others. These people are very important to a successful campin' trip. I mean if you go by yourself who the hell are you going to talk to, play games with, fish with, tip over a canoe with. Common' have you ever tried tip over a canoe alone? Cannot be done.

4. Food: n; sustenance, grub, groceries. When you have family around you will never have to worry about what you forgot. Bread, eggs, pepper, or alcohol. When the whole gang is about, you are covered. We had doughnuts, biscotti, scones, ribs, eggs, ham, burgers, 30 lbs of tater salad, wine, beer, whiskey, and antacid tables (Don't forget these) and chips and salsa. What more could you ask for? I guess you could ask but your sit outta luck you in the fricken woods!
5. Flashlight: Now here's a bit of technology that once the sun goes down you will be happy you have brought along (be sure to pack fresh batteries or you might fall into the fire)
What ever you do this summer, get out. Try camping, trust me you will fail the first time you go out but the memories will last you a life time.
Good Luck.
Pleasant Hill-Billy

Monday, August 24, 2009

Citrus Chicken Salad Sandwich

Yet another recipe from the latest family cook-off.
My sister Corinna mixed up this zesty chicken salad sammich' that was a surprise shorty after your first bite.
I am not the chicken salad type, but this will change your mind. Give it a try before the summer turns to Autumn, but come to think about it, it would be good then too.
Here's how to make it
5 Cups cooked chicken breast, shredded
2 Stalks celery chopped fine
1/4 Cup red onion finely chopped
1 Handful chopped almonds
2 Tablespoons freshly chopped tarragon
1 Handful of dried cranberries
2 Tablespoons honey
Zest of one orange-'bout a tablespoon
Juice of one orange-about 2 tablespoons
1 Cup Mayo
1 Tablespoons poppy seeds
Salt and pepper to taste
Red leaf lettuce
Provolone cheese
Ciabatta rolls, sliced in half and some of the insides gutted.
Mix first 6 ingredients in a bowl, in a separate bowl mix the dressing, add first bowl to second and mix to combine. Prepare lettuce and ciabatta rolls. Scoop ingredients onto roll and top with provolone and red leaf lettuce.
Enjoy ! Thanks Corinna.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

G.I. JOE "Rise of Cobra"

G.I. JOE did not disappoint, watch unreleased trailer HERE to set the mood.

Everything was intact in this movie to make it a success. It included more that my required tri-fecta for an action movie;

1. Shit Blowin' Up

2. Chase Scene

3. Hot Women with guns

GI JOE kicked it up a knotch by adding the ultimate fighters "on planet Earth" . . . . Bad Ass Ninjas. One good, and one, evil pitted against each other many times in the movie for some serious, but not over done fighting. Snake-eyes even uses a pistol now and then when it gets a little too hairy for a knife fight. Smart move.

The effects in the movie are great and the action is non-stop. This was well worth seeing in the theater, as much, or more than seeing Star Trek in the theater.

Excellent cast, Dennis Quaid is the General Hawk, Channing Tatum plays Duke, then there are the ladies. Oh my the ladies. Sienna Miller plays the evil Duchess, and a spicey red headed Rachel Nichols plays Scarlet.

Put this one on your "To-Do" list boyz, this movie will not disappoint. It's either this or watching Dancing with the Stars with your wife soon, and I don't think your going to see anyone get blowed-up on Dancing with the Stars.

"GO JOE !"

Friday, August 21, 2009

DISTRICT 9 - The Movie

District 9 - The Movie

Trailer Click HERE

After watching the trailer you are ready to lay down your $8.50 for a ticket, and another $4.50 for corn, and $3.50 for a small drink.

Awe this looks great ! and I am not here to argue that. The effects, and CG in the movie are excellent. But when did Star Wars the Original movie come out 1977 (the start of computer special effects in movies) My point is that if enough money is spent the technology is there to make any movie CG effects look awesome today. The fact here is the movie producers probably spent more on the special effects than the actors.

All the actors in this movie are unknown here in the United States, while the acting was good it was not great. This would be mostly due to the story, and there was a LOT of story.

Jeez-is Keerist, there is a lot of story.

Some poor working class dope (pictured left) get a promotion in the corporation to head up the removal of the aliens that have be in held in Nazi concentration style camps for the last 28 years, and move then down the street a few miles. (teach then to show up to Earth without means of destroying and over taking the place)

Anyway, . . . this working class fool follows his corporations core values to prove he is the man for the job. He is totally believable as a morals dope, but why some alien doesn't snap his neck in the first fifteen minutes is beyond me, and it would have improved the action in the movie. Can you believe 45 grueling minutes of story before something blows up, or someone gets shot. In fact when I was watching it in the theater when someone finally got shot the audience applauded. (pathetic)

Some say that this was the launching platform for compiling a group of people to create the long awaited HALO movie that has never appeared. Tell the Master Chief about it, the war is over and the poor bastard could use a paycheck.
I can tell you this, the HALO movie will have more action than District 9 guaranteed! And it would cover the tri-fecta that guarantees a good action flick, Bombs, Boobs, and a good Chase Scene. None of which make a command appearance in District 9.
If I had to rate this movie based on items used in Halo, I would have to give it 1 out of 5 Battle Rifles or 0 (zero) outta 5 Sticky Grenades. It wasn't a flop, some will like it, but it ain't no action movie, it is damn near a chick flick with aliens in it.
Really, pass this one up, or wait until it is available on DVD and watch it where the popcorn is cheaper, and you can turn it off.
This weekend I will try to redeem my manhood by seeing the new G.I. JOE movie, "Rise of Cobra" even the title has a sexual reference in it, we are off to a good start already. "GO JOE!"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Seitz Family Throwdown Cook-Off

This is bit of a late post but let me tell you it will be worth the wait. Every month for the past two months we have had a Family Cook Off. We pick a dish and then you have a month to present your one dish to the rest of the participants for judging. The first month was Dinner Crepes, and this month was Sandwich.

The first cook off Corinna posted a "W" with her Wild Rice Crepe, filled with Chicken, Spinach, and Cremini, then topped with a Red Pepper Sauce. This month I was the favorite with a Beef Chimichuri Sandwich that was served on homemade grilled flat bread that I mad on my BBQ, but let me tell you this month was exceptional. Everyone that participated "Brought It" to the competition, so I will post all the sandwich recipes for everyone to enjoy.

We'll start this post with the Beef Chimichuri Sandwich.

This Sammich' is a smack in the mouth, and does not qualify as a snack. Pair it with your favorite beer and enjoy.

First off you'll need to create the chimichuri marinade.


6 Cloves of Garlic

2 Jalapenos

1 Tablespoon Kosher Salt

1/4 C White Wine Vinegar

1 Tablespoon Dried Ancho Chili Power (or finely chopped whole dried)

1/2 C Fresh Cilantro (chopped)

1/2 C Fresh Parsley (chopped)

1/4 C Fresh Oregano (chopped)

1/3 C Olive Oil

Place all ingredients in food processor or blender and process until smooth.

Thinly slice 1 lb of beef top round, or Sirloin and place in 1 gallon size Ziploc bag, pour Chimichuri on top remove as mush air as possible and seal. Using both hands mix the Chimchuri into the beef. Place Ziploc bag on a plate and transfer to refrigerator for a minimum of 4 hours and as much as 24. I like to marinate for 24 to get the most out of my ingredients.

Flat Bread (from Bobby Flays book Boy Meets Grill)

1-1/2 C Warm Water

1/2 Teaspoon Dry Yeast

4 C All-Purpose Flour

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

Mix the water and the yeast in a bowl and let stand (bloom) for 15 minutes. Slowly add 2 cups of flour while stirring the mixture. Stir for about 1 minute until the mixture is spongy, let it stand covered at room temperature for 45 minutes. Put the sponge in the bowl of a stand mixer. Using the dough hook mix in the salt and olive oil, then add the remaining 2 cups of flour 1/2 cup at a time while mixing to form a soft dough. Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface and knead until the dough is satiny, sprinkle with a little flour to keep from sticking, about 5 minutes.

Place dough in a large clean, oiled bowl, covered with plastic wrap and let rise (proof) in a warm place for about 2-1/2 hours or until it has doubled in size. Punch down the dough and divide into 4 balls, place on sheet pan cover and let rise again 30-45 minutes. Roll, pat, and stretch each ball into a small flat round or rectangle. Preheat grill to med-high (350-400 degrees) brush each round with olive oil, and place oil side down, brush top with olive oil while cooking.

COOKS NOTE: Now, walking away right now would be a very bad idea, you have time to go get a beer and a spatula, but come right back. Don't get distracted by the wife asking you to do some trivial task, your attention is needed at the grill. Oh and that's an import beer better bring a bottle opener too.

Cook flat bread with the grill top open, pay close attention to the flames, and turn the bread often to ensure even browning. Once nice and golden brown accented by grill marks plate and head to the kitchen to get the beef.

Gillin' Continues . . .

After bread has been removed turn grill to high, remove beef from Chimichuri marinade and skewer for grilling.

Grill skewers for 2-3 minutes a side, remove from grill and let rest for 3-5 minutes.

White Bean Puree

2 C Cooked or Canned White Beans

4 Cloves Garlic

3 Tablespoons Olive Oil

2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

1 Tablespoon Chopped Thyme

Kosher Salt and Fresh Ground Black Pepper

Puree all ingredients in food processor or blender, refrigerate 1 day.

Sammich Building . . .

The moment has arrive, (finally) to build your sandwich. Now if you have read this far you know you could do a lot of this prep work ahead of time, and on the day of your event your Sammich would come together much faster. With that said lets get to building.

Place you flat bread on the plate and use a generous portion of white bean puree as a spread, add freshly chopped iceberg lettuce, tomato, and onion if you wish, or some of the Chimichuri sauce that you reserved before adding it to the beef as a marinade (my choice). Fold Sammich over and cut in half, and enjoy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Men left alone to there vices will always find something fun to do. Here are a few fine examples:

Extreme Chair Jumping - Alone in a dorm and all you money has been spent on tuitition what do you do for fun?

Slip-N-Slide - Engineering students with too much time on their hands. (my Favorite)

Office Rowing Team - You are all fired.

The Slip-N-Slide is INSANE !

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Well we made it past the 95-105 degree weather and it has finally cooled down a bit. In fact this weekend was a dramatic change in the weather with the thunder head clouds moving in over the valley. This is the weather I can stand 70-75 degrees and partly cloudy. Unfortunately that means that it is comfortable enough to get outside and get some work done to prepare for winter, and there is always a lot of that type of
work to do.
At the end of June we had 11 bundles of peeler cores delivered to the house by a friend and neighbor of ours that we will process into fire wood the main source of heat for our family and Momma Zora (aka G-Ma) Additionally there were two oak trees where I work that were cut down, and employees could place bids to purchase it. Like a fool I bid the highest, and Levi and I spent Friday evening and Saturday morning hauling off JCI's grounds. (pictured is the first load Friday evening) Saturday morning we took out just a little less than you see here. Let me tell you, oak is fricken heavy, we had to leave some pieces there, they were just to heavy and we had no way to get them in the trailer. All and all though it was very worth the while. The 1-1/2 + cord of oak will burn more like 2-1/2 cords of Douglas Fir, and that is what keeps the woman happy.

Additionally this week Lynn took Wednesday off and took Jillian and Levi down to the coast for the day since it was Jillian's birthday. They went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium, and to the beach (girls favorite place) Then had lunch at Micky-D's. (another favorite). All and all everyone had a good time, and the Lynn said the weather was amazing. Not to hot, a slight breeze (unusual for the Oregon Coast) and there wasn't a huge crowd (always a plus).

During the Obnoxiously hot weather we made the best of it by starting to paint the inside of the house after a 12 year hiatus. He had done it once before about 5 years after moving in, but we painted it the same as it was, all white. Now with trendy indoor paint jobs all the rage I went to the paint store and picked up a dozen paint samples and got started by painting one whole wall for the wife to judge. The Living room is now complete, and we have everything now to get the rest of the house done, and it is going to look nice when complete.
At the end of this week we (my sisters and I) are continuing our cooking competition. This months dish is a single sandwich. Everyone has to make just one, and everyone gets to taste before judging.
Last month was Dinner Crepes, and Corinna was the winner with a simple crepe she called "Wild Rice Crepe w/ Chicken, Cremini, and Mushrooms served with a Red Pepper Sauce. It was delicious. Renee's was very nice too with a very delicate crepe filled with chicken and cheese topped with a very nice sauce.
Although all experience cooks they are all going to get their asses handed to them this month when I present my Sam'mich, one that will take your taste buds on a tour of Flavor Town in just one bite. I will post the winning recipe this moth for you all to enjoy, which will be easy since all I have to do is copy and post from my own computer.
Stay tuned, and check back often.
The Pleasant Hill Billy

Sunday, August 2, 2009


What is the difference between these two pictures? Kinda like one of the games you see in the kids HIGHLIGHTS magazine in the doctors office, but darker. I will give you a minute to ponder.
Don't think this is simple like a kids book, of course there are many items in the picture that are placed differently, or not there at all. Look for major differences that are not obvious.
Let me give you a hint, the picture on the left has a date, and the one on the right doesn't, WHY? Because I bought a new camera after kicking my old one up the retailers ass because Kodak builds crap digital cameras.
See it's easy. Now you find one.
Need another hint?
Look at the walls . . . . ah do you see it?
There a different color! Yes, very good.
Yes after 15 years of persistent nagging from my wife to paint over the golf cub marks I put in the ceiling I did what any good husband would do, wait a decade then passive aggressively sneak off to a paint store, picked out a color I would like, (without having to go through the whole discussion of what shade of white was appropriate) and painted it while she was shopping.
Call it what you like, but I call that a Win-Win. She waited long enough to get it painted she cannot possibly complain about the color now that it is finally done. A valuable lesson there boyz.
There is one more there, it's so obvious, like low hanging fruit on a tree, I cannot believe you didn't pick it first.
Have you got it yet, I'll give you a minute . . . . . . Okay, Okay it's killing me.
Although these picture where taken 5 weeks apart, my son is still parked in front of the computer during summer vacation. Granted we live on 152 acres without a neighbor that has boyz his age for miles, but what did you do when you were his age?
Keerist I was away from home so much by the end of summer my Mother almost didn't recognize me when I finally returned home to start school. All I remember was tossing down my books at schools end, not even changing out of my good clothes, and telling my Mom, "I'm going outside to play!" When the air started to get cooler in the evenings I came home, it was the end of August, my jeans were worn off into a pair of shorts, and my long sleeve t-shirt resembled a tank top with a few holes in it. Oh and I needed a haircut.
Kids today, and even the Gen-x'ers were all about living life virtually. When the gaming console came into existence it was so new and exciting that you forgot how to play, and your imagination was left up to other to create for you. No more Cowboys and Indian's, Cops and Robbers, or getting the gang together to play War, and if that game is played right someone is going home bleeding. Now the only injury that befuddles this next generation of kids is carpel tunnel syndrome.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Time to get cookin'

I promised you I would have recipes to share from time to time, so here is your first helping.

This is a great summer-time side-dish that goes well with you favorite Mexican entree', or use it as a dip like salsa. When I made this last I took it to a BBQ where we were serving hamburgers and hot dogs, and it was a hit just as much as the potato salad. (Another recipe I will share later)
This bean and corn salad is a fresh smack in the mouth that is neither hot or spicy, but you think it is going to be with all of the classic flavors of Mexico in there. Take it to you next fiesta and share with your friends, and enjoy.
1 ea. 15oz can of Corn
1 ea. 15 oz can of Pinto Beans
1 ea. 15oz can of Stewed Tomato (Mexican recipe)
1/2 C Fresh Cilantro (chopped)
1/4 C Fresh Parsley (chopped)
1/3 C White Onion
1 ea Garlic toe (minced)
1 T Kosher Salt

Drain each of the canned goods in a stainless steel strainer. Place the corn and the beans in a mixing bowl, place the stewed tomatoes on a cutting board and give them a rough chop then place in mixing bowl.
Add the remainder of the ingredients to the mixing bowl and fold to combine.
Transfer mixture to a serving bowl, cover, then place in refrigerator for 1 - 2 hours to chill, or you can also prepare the night before and chill 24 hours.

Spicy Option: Additionaly add 1 ea. jalapeno (minced), 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, and paprika to salad before mixing together.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Getting Pumped

There are few things in life that are more important than water. The majority of you body is made up of the stuff, it's a billion dollar business world wide, sold with no flavor at all, to libations that keep you moving, to wiring you out.

Now let me challenge you, start your day and decide your not going to use ANY water. Got it, None. AHH ! not a drop.

No morning coffee, No shower, and brushing you teeth, well muster up some copious amounts of saliva mister cause remember you got no water. Don't wash you hands after going to the restroom, don't rinse your cup out, wet a napkin to wipe down the counter, or fill a pot to cook vegetables in. Think about it, that would suck.

Welcome to my Wednesday, Tuesday night (late) we discovered our well had and issue with bringing us water at the steady 60 psi that it has for the last 14 years. I'd go into the story about how the septic pump failed a couple months ago after 14 years costing me $1450 bucks but I haven't got the time.

Without water you cannot even flush a toilet (should have included that earlier), so you can see the importance of H2O, it is vital. I found the culprit in the control box at in the well house That little square black box is the starter relay, and after shutting off and on for 14 years it gave up. Now I am all for buying American, but if there is a Japanese company out there that can build a starter relay that will warn you before it is going to go bad, I'd buy it.
Having two females in a house without water is like having no frosting on your cupcake. It's still a cupcake, but it ain't as sweet. Woman use their weight in water ever time they enter the bathroom (on average) (made up statistic) and a house without water is no place for a man. His place is in the 110 degree pump house finding out why the God Damn think don't work.
So take care guys, watch your six when it comes to preventive maintenance. My luck the air conditioner will break down this week too. Although we have only had it 12 years with no maintenance, so I figure I have at least one more Summer before a break down.
~Pleasant Hill Billy~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What's Up with That ?

Part of the reason why this blog got started was a presistant nagging by co-workers that I needed to let the younger males in on the lessons I have learn while being hitched for 23 glorious years. Not that I know know it all, (like that is possible) but I have been at the library longer than most. Statistically just less than half of marriages end in divorce, but now that doesn't include the ones that are ended by death (should have kept your mouth shut) or separation (she just rund-off).

(I'll miss her when she finally leaves)
I will try to provide you a bit of wisdom now and then, but understand most of my information are examples of what not to do. It's a hard way to learn but I like living on the edge, . . . . of the porch, . . . . next to the dog. Jim's a good boy I'll miss him too, probabily more.

That aint all I have to offer, I fancy myself a perty good cook, a griller, a baker, and head dishwasher at my house. So I'll share what I have learned to get you by, or make a dinner for your woman that will make her wonder if she should keep you around longer.

Stay Posted.

Monday, July 27, 2009


HAY !! July27, 2009

Keeyrist it's hot outside, the 100+ afternoon temps have knocked me off my bike. Folks out riding today are not in their right mind I tell you, they have some sort of repressed mystic death wish.

I have retreated to the comfortable confines of my home where at this time it is a cool 81 degrees, and slightly cooler in the palm of my hand where I hold a long neck beer (well at least when I am not typing).

My Nephew turned me on to this Blog Spot originally, and I have used other areas to express myself (My Space, Face Book, Lunchroom at work, The Beer Stein) but it was a young co-worker that expressed to me a need for me to make my thoughts more public. I think his words where something to the effect of "You need a Blog". Now I'm not sure if he actually meant, that I needed a blog for expressing myself, or if he was just not interested in the finer details of the story I was telling at the time. (some folks are rude like that and they just cannot help it) But I think all of his intentions were good.

So here I am, and there you are too, glad you could make it. So do me a favor and bookmark the page and check back often, cause have I got some shit to tell you. Along with cooking tips, recipes, sage advice (which could be part of a recipe) Ha ! oh and before I forget, nude pictures.