Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hatred Does Not Exist Outside of Marrage

More advice on how to handle your man:
In the last episode I covered how men feel about “Wrapping Paper” this month I am here give you relationship advice.
Men (in general) love to be involved in a relationship with the opposite sex. If we are not in a relationship we are searching for a relationship.
          At the same time once involved in a relationship we are less concerned with maintaining the relationship than we are with our own satisfaction. (I know women, it sounds typical) But it is how we are wired, once you understand that, the easier you will be able to get along with a man in general.
          I would like to say we care about the relationship, but we don’t, we are wired more toward the hunt. It’s thousands of years of evolution you’re fighting here, man is wired from a very basic level to search for the best female to procreate with and spread his seed to better the species. No matter how much of a degenerate he is, or not, sorry.
          Now if you wanna corral a man for a long time you need to provide him with the necessary essentials (based on his Cro-Mag-non wiring) for the first 10 years, this is based on if you start the relationship at the age of 25 years, because at 35 the need for man to spread his seed lessens exponentially every year from 1 to 10 in a relationship. By the time you have been involved with him 10 years his resolve has been worn paper-thin, and he has far too much invested to toss you aside for the shapely vixen that can provide 15 minutes of fun. (He has too much to lose) Kids, Mortgage, car payments, his favorite dog, not to mention all the crap he has collected that is in the house or in a  storage unit miles away. We ain’t stupid, just simple minded. (Note 60% of men, and 40% of
            Many a woman has tried to change a man to her liking, and vice-versa for men. This will never work. If you live long enough to be married as long as I have you will find that you cannot change your mate, you can only change yourself to accommodate your mate. If this is not what you interested in, then you need to find a new mate. I know that sounds cut and dry, but if this is the case it “is” cut and dry when it comes to your prolonged happiness, you cannot continue something that does not keep you happy.
          women have an affair)How do you find this kind of happiness?
Believe me, it take many years of happiness, and misery. NO relationship is perfect, and if it feels that it is, just wait, it will all turn to shit soon enough. It is the patience, and perseverance, that makes the relationship work.
          You have to understand that no two people (of the opposite sex) can co-habituate together for any length of time with-out issues popping up. It is resolving those issues that completes the cycle of a relationship. Falling love is easy, staying in love is something truly special.
Now , a few of you know, if it wasn’t for one thing in a relationship with a woman I would be gay, and it ain’t because of cooking, because I can cook better than most. Any man knows how easy it would be to have a relationship with another man if sex wasn’t involved.
“Hay Dude wanna watch the game?”
“Hell yeah, mind if I run to the store for some beer, chips, and bean dip!” 
“No, sounds like a great idea!”
Another example;
“What the hell is this laundry doing on the floor?”
“Well the bra on the lamp belongs to someone else, and the underwear, and socks are stored there until I have time to take care of it”
“Cool, no prob, I was just wondering if some of that was mine.”
I could go on, but there is no point. Women and Men will struggle to co-exist for as long as time goes on, get use to it. Women are Bitches, and Men are Bastards. There is no way around it, and know this, hatred does not exist outside of marriage. You have to really know someone to really hate them, otherwise you’re just irritated.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Life on O.T.

Four months since my last post, what the hell have I been up to? I mean really, anything important, interesting, or amazing.


   With that being said I will fill you in on all the boring details of life on O.T.

   I have spent hundreds of hours at work, and let me tell you if they weren't paying me and providing health insurance I wouldn't be there as much as I am. Of course I would still show up if they didn't, I have an amazing job, I am where I belong right now.
   The hours can be long at times, and it can be a fast paced, stressed environment, with a demand on creativity, and excellence.
   I KNOW, I Know see why I like it so much, it's where I need to be. I LOVE IT ! (co-workers think I am off my rocker at times, but that is part of my charm living on caffeine and doughnuts.)

    The last big project we completed was shipped to Canada, and it it paving roads as we speak.

     The RT500 is a cold-in-place-recycler of asphalt. Pictured here at the end of the train receiving material from the Roadtec RX900 grinder. This train can grind up 3 miles of roadway a day (one lane at a time) screen it to size, crush what is to large, weigh it, and mix it with hot asphalt emulsion or foam, then redeposit the material back on the road where a paver smooths it back out, and just behind the paver are two or three rollers compacting it so it is ready for traffic with in hours.
     The beauty of this is that the construction company only has to shut down about 1500 of road at any time, and the train is constantly moving. Just route the traffic around the operation in the other lane. This minimizes the delays, the constant stream of dump trucks bringing asphalt from an off-site location, nor do you have all the people associated with creating the asphalt, crushed rock, or additional equipment. It's a lot greener process.
     Just look at a road construction site the next time you pass through one, oh and don't worry, you'll have time to get a GOOD look while you sit there, and look at all the manpower, and equipment that is required to repave a road. The RT500 minimizes the time, manpower, and equipment, making the whole process cheaper, and more efficient.
     Now we didn't invent this process, but we did make the equipment better by increasing the tons per hour it can handle (speed it can operate), and the quality of the end product. Kinda makes you want to go out an buy one tomorrow don't it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Appetizer/ Cocktail Party

Second Annual Appetizer / Cocktail Party
(Click on the Title for Video)

Thanks to all that attended my appetizer / coctail party at the end of January for my birthday. Attached is a spectacular video that my nephew filmed, edited, and posted on He took a average event and made it very special for me, thanks Jesse Tobler for a wonderful gift.

What make's it special ?

He happened to capture what I try to achieve when planning a get-together with family and friends. A comfortable atmosphere where people can gather, converse, and enjoy good food, community, and drinks.
Everything was perfect, from all the appetizers everyone personally made and brought, to the beverages, and company. I will definetly do it again next year, it has always been a good time.

There was lettuce wraps, cream cheese and veggies wrapped in ham, smoked salmon and cream cheese served with jalepeno jelly, deviled eggs, pulled pork wrapped in tortias, crackers and sausage . . . must I go on. Yes then there was the beverages, lemon drop, and cranberry martinis, bourbon and soda, and soda pop and french roast coffee. Well never made it to the coffee did we, the intent was there though.

Make an attempt to gather your friends and family around you once this year. Try not to impress them, but make them comfortable, and you will have a really good time. Cheers !

~Pleasant Hill Billy~