My son's job is making firewood in the Summer, and fetching it in the Winter. Hey the woods gotta come from somewhere. Additionally he has trash detail, and yes and the Comet, or Ajax are part of his repertoire'.
I cut, or purchase wood in 8' lengths (here we are cutting peeler-cores from doug-fir trees, (a by-product of making ply-wood in this area of the world) and it makes for the best firewood in he world. Well next to split and dried oak, which I concider to be a resource much like depleated uranium.
Anyway back on task. Keeping you children busy with a task about the home doesn't only free up more time for you, it teaches them the value of completing a meaninful task that is important to sustaining a civilized existance.
Without a wood miser in the group many of us would freeze in the winter, or it might lead you much worse things, like turning on the electric heat, costing the family hundreds of dollars each month. So you can see the added value of having a wood miser in you household. This person can save you money, and add value by keeping you warm. (I love being warm)
Additionally this task keeps them busy. I never realized the amount of spare time I had when I was a young man until I had a son of my own. The things I could have accomplished only if I had realized it sooner. At almost every turn while I am doing something for my family I find that my son is idelly sitting on his ass with nothing to do. It is truely appalling.
I could have easily turned my spare time into a full time job making thousands of dollars to pay for a good university education in the future when I was young, only if I would have used my spare time wisely. I bet you I could have even earned more if the internet was invented before then.
Hmmmmm, free labor or indentured servitude? Either way, nice work.