District 9 - The Movie
Trailer Click HERE
After watching the trailer you are ready to lay down your $8.50 for a ticket, and another $4.50 for corn, and $3.50 for a small drink.
Awe this looks great ! and I am not here to argue that. The effects, and CG in the movie are excellent. But when did Star Wars the Original movie come out 1977 (the start of computer special effects in movies) My point is that if enough money is spent the technology is there to make any movie CG effects look awesome today. The fact here is the movie producers probably spent more on the special effects than the actors.
All the actors in this movie are unknown here in the United States, while the acting was good it was not great. This would b
e mostly due to the story, and there was a LOT of story.

Jeez-is Keerist, there is a lot of story.
Some poor working class dope (pictured left) get a promotion in the corporation to head up the removal of the aliens that have be in held in Nazi concentration style camps for the last 28 years, and move then down the street a few miles. (teach then to show up to Earth without means of destroying and over taking the place)
Anyway, . . . this working class fool follows his corporations core values to prove he is the man for the job. He is totally believable as a morals dope, but why some alien doesn't snap his neck in the first fifteen minutes is beyond me, and it would have improved the action in the movie. Can you believe 45 grueling minutes of story before something blows up, or someone gets shot. In fact when I was watching it in the theater when someone
finally got shot the audience applauded. (pathetic)

Some say that this was the launching platform for compiling a group of people to create the long awaited HALO movie that has never appeared. Tell the Master Chief about it, the war is over and the poor bastard could use a paycheck.
I can tell you this, the HALO movie will have more action than District 9 guaranteed! And it would cover the tri-fecta that guarantees a good action flick, Bombs, Boobs, and a good Chase Scene. None of which make a command appearance in District 9.
If I had to rate this movie based on items used in Halo, I would have to give it 1 out of 5 Battle Rifles or 0 (zero) outta 5 Sticky Grenades. It wasn't a flop, some will like it, but it ain't no action movie, it is damn near a chick flick with aliens in it.
Really, pass this one up, or wait until it is available on DVD and watch it where the popcorn is cheaper, and you can turn it off.
This weekend I will try to redeem my manhood by seeing the new G.I. JOE movie, "Rise of Cobra" even the title has a sexual reference in it, we are off to a good start already. "GO JOE!"
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