Four months since my last post, what the hell have I been up to? I mean really, anything important, interesting, or amazing.
With that being said I will fill you in on all the boring details of life on O.T.
I have spent hundreds of hours at work, and let me tell you if they weren't paying me and providing health insurance I wouldn't be there as much as I am. Of course I would still show up if they didn't, I have an amazing job, I am where I belong right now.
The hours can be long at times, and it can be a fast paced, stressed environment, with a demand on creativity, and excellence.
I KNOW, I Know see why I like it so much, it's where I need to be. I LOVE IT ! (co-workers think I am off my rocker at times, but that is part of my charm living on caffeine and doughnuts.)
The last big project we completed was shipped to Canada, and it it paving roads as we speak.
The RT500 is a cold-in-place-recycler of asphalt. Pictured here at the end of the train receiving material from the Roadtec RX900 grinder. This train can grind up 3 miles of roadway a day (one lane at a time) screen it to size, crush what is to large, weigh it, and mix it with hot asphalt emulsion or foam, then redeposit the material back on the road where a paver smooths it back out, and just behind the paver are two or three rollers compacting it so it is ready for traffic with in hours.
The beauty of this is that the construction company only has to shut down about 1500 of road at any time, and the train is constantly moving. Just route the traffic around the operation in the other lane. This minimizes the delays, the constant stream of dump trucks bringing asphalt from an off-site location, nor do you have all the people associated with creating the asphalt, crushed rock, or additional equipment. It's a lot greener process.
Just look at a road construction site the next time you pass through one, oh and don't worry, you'll have time to get a GOOD look while you sit there, and look at all the manpower, and equipment that is required to repave a road. The RT500 minimizes the time, manpower, and equipment, making the whole process cheaper, and more efficient.
Now we didn't invent this process, but we did make the equipment better by increasing the tons per hour it can handle (speed it can operate), and the quality of the end product. Kinda makes you want to go out an buy one tomorrow don't it.